Well good that I tried..Ride was humpy,I cld even feelt the hump where camel stores the water and nah contrary to the report I had read, I did not find any objectionable smell..Might be camels have evolved ;-)
On the ride we got talking to the ride guy and found for him this was an ancestral buisness..Originally hailing from jodhpur in rajasthan gujarat,he has been travelling all over india where ever the buisness had been brisuqe.Maharasthra has been good for him and he seemed to be real fond of pune where he had stayed for over six years.. He had travelled on foot to bangalore and it took him 4 months to reach bangalore..well of course with the tiny miny money making stops..
Between the three brothers they had 256 camels he was travelling with 100 and the rest were with his elder bro in hyderabad..His father had more or less given in the reins to brothers.. And his role was more of the doctor guy for camels now.Been six months in banglaore and his next stop wld be Hyderabad..
Cool I didn't know such such buisness was there even today..I find it interesting going from one place to other,finding new people new customs..But then after a while it can feel tiring and that's when u start searching for your roots..such a dilemna..The camel we have in pic is only 12 years and has not reached her full ..Seems once they grow real heighty,they are no more used for tourists instead for caryying luggage..Average agespan for a camel is 35 years..Small lifespan naa waise depends what u are comparing against :-)
Had a nice brunch with view of greens of the golf course..I wish their service has been a little faster. Love the kind of look they give to the overall serving check out for yourself..makes me feel yum yum even now :-) The faraway one in the pic is mine
Have been reading a lot..Done with angels and demons(book by da vinci author) recently..Gripping book and for the first time reading about illuminati was cool..Illuminati was another ancient brotherhood in the turbulent times when church had strong control on all aspects of life.Some of the greatest scientist were the member of the brotherhood(started with Galilleo) and even the one dollar bill seal (Pyramid and eye ) is illuminati...Made me curious if we had any such similar concepts in our mythology ..Secret societies and stuff.Dont think I heard of any..Am I missing something.Or were we so liberal we didnt need any,I should look for on the net..
Have been reading about religion for past sometime..Were soo surprised to learn some new facts..Genesis is there in Chiristianity,Islam and Judaism and So is Noah and the flood story..Jesus is there in Islam as well but known as a prophet & till Ibrahim all the three religion had same lineage..Such close ties. And do u know why we celebrate December the 25th..Nah that's not jesus DOB..well every take over frm another and in the process es with earlier beliefs,stories..Before Christinaty it was what pagan's winter festival..In those days taking over the holidays and replacing the gods was a common way of taking people with you in ur new belief and thats what happened..Though there will always be some controversy around this but this is the most plausible explanation I could see..
Has been reading historical fictions lately..read Amber room by Steve Berry. A room full of amber(now even the art of carving amber seems to have died) severly sought after in russia and germany by treasure hunters..Seems hitler wanted in his art artifacts and so did herman goring(No 2 after hitler)..till this is fine but what was a surprise was the fact that both these guys wanted to make their own museums in their respective birth towns and had an art rivalry which is well documented in history..Interesting ain't it..U and ur no 2 going in on ur own seperate ways..
Sometimes I ask myself why do I need to read or write such stuff..what purpose it is serving..I wish I knew but I love doing it
So here I am :-)
Wishing you all a great day ahead
PS:Camel guy requested the top pic..I wish I wld have been able to give the pic..& I loved the the petal arrangement in water.One can give so much attention to a tiny decoration.Pretty
Hey you seem to be going on with your outings! Lucky woman! The sandwich looks yummy... feeling hungry now!
Anu:Yeah,I was thinking abt ur similar comment some time back..I think my only writing inspiration comes when I travel..So with other aspects not written about its like I am travelling always..c now u know the trick ;)
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